The platain must be washed and respectively fumigated with fungicide, for its respective packaging. The platain must be free of scars, broken neck, red spot and must be cut on the same day of packaging.
The platain must be packaged according to technical parameters. required by the company Agroexport Ecuafruta S.A
Scientific name: Musa Paradisiaca Family: Musaceae Net weight: 50 pounds of fruit Gross weight: 52.5 pounds Length per finger: Minimum 9 inches Thickness per finger: range between 52 and 58 degrees. Boxes per pallet: 54 Boxes per container: 1080
They are bananas grown in Ecuador using certified organic agricultural practices. These practices include the use of natural methods to control pests and diseases, sustainable soil management, and refraining from the use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides.
Organic bananas are grown respecting the principles of organic farming, which means that the use of synthetic chemicals that can be harmful to human health and the environment is avoided .
Scientific name: Musa Paradisiaca Tariff description: Type (Cavendish Valery) Flavor: Sweet, intense and perfumed Weight: 200 grams Calories (cal): 85.2 Carbohydrates (g): 20.8 Fiber (g): 2.5 Magnesium (mg): 36.4 potassium (mg): 350 Provitamins A (mg): 18 Vitamin C (mg): 11.5 Folic acid (mcg): 20 Storage and transportation: Room temperature Being terrestrial transportation nationwide Storage/packaging/: 18. 5 kg with polyethylene and Packaging: paper dividers Weekly supply: 2 carts of 800 boxes per cart
Ecuador conventional banana refers to bananas grown in Ecuador using conventional agricultural methods, which involve the use of fertilizers synthetics, pesticides and other chemicals to control pests, diseases and improve crop yields. These methods may include the use of banana varieties that have been genetically modified or They have been selected to maximize production and resistance to certain diseases.
Variety: Cavendish Net weight per box: Box 22xu. 18.14 kilograms / 19.50 kilograms Box 208 13.5 kg / 14 kg packaging: Vacuum, Polytube Group per box: 16 Hands per box: 4,5,6 Finger size: 20 cm. min. Number of fingers per group: min. 5 / maximum 12 Number of fingers per hand: min, 18 / max 20 Pallet configuration: 54 boxes per pallet Container configuration: 960/1080 boxes container with pallets 1200 boxes per container without pallets
The appearance of the Baby Banana must be free of scars, broken neck, red spot and must be cut on the same day of packaging. The Baby Banana must be packaged according to the technical parameters required by the company Agroexport Ecuafruit S.A. and respectively fumigated with fungicide, for their respective packaging.
Scientific name: Musa acuminata Family: Musaceae Net weight: 16 pounds of fruit. Gross weight: 18 pounds Length per finger: Approx. 12cm Thickness per finger: Range between 26 to 34 degrees Fingers per hand: min. 12 fingers Boxes per pallet: 88 Boxes per container: 1760
Red Fruit
The fruit must be thoroughly disinfected, it is important that it is 100% dry before packaging.
-Appearance: Itmust be totally clean, free of fungus and spoilage.
-The pitahaya must be fresh and free of cochineal,
insects, free of strange odors.
Scientific name: Selenicereus megalanthus Family: Cactaceae Net weight: 2.5 kg per box Gross weight: 2.8 kg per box Caliber or Weight: Between 250 grams and 500 grams Cutting age: 90 days after flowering. Color: grade 1 to 5 Box type: 2.5kg tray Boxes per pallet: 240 192air containers #Pallets per container: 22 Boxes per container: 5280
Yellow fruit
The fruit must be thoroughly disinfected, it is important that it is 100% dry before packaging.
-Appearance: Itmust be totally clean, free of fungus and spoilage.
-The pitahaya must be fresh and free of cochineal,
insects, free of strange odors.
Scientific name: Selenicereus megalanthus Family: Cactaceae Net weight: 2.5 kg per box Gross weight: 2.8 kg per box Caliber or Weight: Between 250 grams and 500 grams Cutting age : 90 days after flowering Color : grade 1 to 5 Box type: 2.5 kg tray Boxes per pallet: 240 containers 192 air Pallets per container: 22 Boxes per container: 5280
The Malanga must be washed and disinfected, and with 30% humidity it is packaged.
Appearance: the tuber must be completely clean, free of soil, free of fungi and deterioration.
The taro must be free of roots or emerging shoots, free of mealybugs, insects, leaf debris, weeds, free de olores extraños.
Scientific name: Colocasia esculenta Family: Araceae Net weight: 35 pounds of fruit. Gross weight: 37.2 pounds White Malanga per box 1st class: Range between 35 and 45 units Labels per case: More than 8 oz Boxes per pallet: 77 Boxes per container: 1540
The Malanga must be washed and disinfected, and with 30% humidity, it is full
Appearance: the tuber must be completely clean, without soil, free of fungi and rot.
The taro must be free of roots or emerging shoots, free of mealybugs, insects, leaf debris, weeds, free of foreign odors.
Scientific name: Colocasia esculenta Family: Araceae Net weight: 35 pounds of fruit. Gross weight: 37.2 pounds White Malanga per box 1st class: Range between 35 and 45 units Over 8 ounces (5 pieces between 7 and 8 ounces) Labels per case: 12 to 15 units in the top row where applicable Boxes per pallet: 77 Boxes per container: 1540
The eddoes must be washed and disinfected, and once they are 100% dry, they are packaged.
-Appearance: the tuber must be completely clean, without soil, dry, free of fungi and deterioration.
-The eddos must be free of roots or emerging shoots, must not have mealybugs, insects, leaf remains, weeds, free of strange odors.
Scientific name: Colocasia antiquorum Family: Araceae Net weight: 35 pounds of fruit. Gross weight: 37.2 pounds. Eddoes per box: Up to 130 units Average weight of a eddoes: ranges between 5 and 9 ounces in quantity. Boxes per pallet: 77 Boxes per container: 1540
-Cleanliness: The cassava must be completely clean, free of dirt, it must be free of insects, poor quality, dirty or used cardboard and/or when the product exceeds the height of the box it is not accepted.
– Appearance: the cassava should not have damage that directly affects the pulp, such as cuts, wounds, cracks or no skin greater than 10% on the surface. It must be completely waxed without the presence of fungi on the peel, the pulp must have a white color without spots.
-No insect damage, no secondary roots or secondary rootlets on the product.
Scientific name: Manihot esculenta Family: Euphorbiacea Total weight: 35 pounds of fruit. Waxed condition: 100% of the area of the product waxed. Length of the yucca Fruit: Minimum 20 cm – Maximum 40 cm Pulp diameter: maximum 10 cm. Appearance: White, firm, without imperfections, without damage. Boxes per pallet: 77 Boxes per container: 1540
Ginger is a plant whose best-known part is its rhizome. Also called kion, it grows in tropical regions around the world and is famous for both its medicinal properties and its culinary use.
It belongs to the Zingiberaceae family, to which turmeric, turmeric and cardamom also belong.
Scientific name: Zingiber officinale roscoe Family: Zingiberaceae Total weight: 12 kg of fruit Waxed state: 13.3 kg. Length of cassava Fruit: 70 to 450 grams per hand Pulp Diameter: 10 to 13 months Appearance: 207 (or at the customer's discretion) Boxes per pallet: 77 Boxes per container: 1540
tree tomato
The tree tomato (Solanum betaceum or Cyphomandra betacea) is native to the Andean region of South America, especially in Ecuador.
Sus frutos son carnosos, de forma ovada o elíptica y de color amarillo, naranja o violeta, con pulpa de sabor muy agradable, ligeramente ácida y aromática, rica en vitaminas y minerales.
Common name: Tree tomato Scientific name: Solanumbetaceum Family: Solanaceae Net weight: 3 kg per box Gross weight: 3.3 kg per box Caliber or Weight: “sizes” from 14 to 25 200 average grams per piece.” Cutting age: By degree of coloration Color: 3 to 4- maritime Box type: 3kg tray Boxes per pallet: Sea 200 boxes, Air 160 #pallets per container: 22 Boxes per container: 4400
The Hass avocado is a large fruit, usually weighing between 200 and 300 grams. When the fruit is ripe, the skin is dark purple, almost black, and yields to gentle pressure.
When it is ready to serve it turns white and green in the middle part of the inner fruit.
Common name: Hass avocado Scientific name: Persea Americana 'Hass' avocado Family: Lauraceae Net weight: 4 kg per box Gross weight: 4.3 kg per box Caliber or Weight: sizes 12 to 24, between 200 and 300 grams per unit Cutting age: By degree of coloration Color: dry matter 20-23- maritime Box type: 4kg tray Boxes per pallet: Sea 250 boxes, Air 200 #Pallets per container: 20 Boxes per container: 5000
The sweet cucumber or pear The melon (Solanummuricatum) is a species native to the Andean region, where it has been cultivated for several thousand years. However, despite its good productive qualities, it has been a crop that has not spread to the rest of the world.
The cucumber melon is a berry that can be consumed as a refreshing fruit or in salads, depending on the variety or state of maturity of the fruit.
Common name: Cuc melon Scientific name: Solanummuricatum Family: Cactaceae Net weight: 3 kg per box Gross weight: 3.3 kg per box Caliber or Weight: 10 to 20 200 average grams per piece.” Cutting age: By degree of coloration Color: 1 to 5- maritime Box type: 3kg tray Boxes per pallet : Sea 200 boxes, Air 160 #pallets per container: 22 Boxes per container: 4400
Sour passion
– The fruit must be thoroughly disinfected, it is important that it is 100% dry to proceed with packaging.
-Appearance: the fruit must be completely clean, free of fungi and deterioration.
-The passion fruit must be proven free of mealybugs, insects, and free of strange odors.
Net weight: 2 kg Gross weight: 2.30 kg Caliber: 16 to 18 Cutting age: grade 5 Color yellow Box type: tray Box per pallet: 160 Pallet per container: 20 Box per container: 5,000
Sweet passion
The passion fruit is a tropical fruit that has a rounded or oval shape, similar in appearance to a small egg. The shell of the passion fruit is hard and thick, yellow or orange when ripe, and usually has a smooth and shiny texture. Unlike other tropical fruits, passion fruit has no thorns or protuberances on its shell.
The ovoid fruit is a green berry when unripe and turns orange-yellow with small white spots when ripe. Its size is 6.5 to 8 cm long and 5.1 to 7 cm wide in diameter. The skin is thin, smooth and brittle.
Net weight: 2 kg Gross weight: 2.30 kg Caliber: 16 to 18 Cutting age: grade 5 Color yellow Box type: tray Box per pallet: 160 Pallet per container: 20 Box per container: 5,000
The pineapple has a characteristic shape that distinguishes it from other fruits. It generally has an oval or conical appearance, with a wide base that tapers towards the top where the crown of pointed leaves is located.
Terrestrial plant, apparently acaulescent, with a basal rosette of rigid, sessile, lanceolate, closely imbricate leaves, with margins provided with short-tipped spines, 30 to 100 cm long; They are slightly concave, to conduct rainwater towards the rosette.
The pineapple must be firm, fresh and meet the technical standards. parameters requested by the client.
Scientific name: Ananas comosus Net weight: 12kg of fruit Gross weight: 13 kg Caliber or Weight: 5-6-7-8-9-10 Cutting age: 20 to 23 weeks after flowering Color: grade 1 to 5 Packaging: Cardboard tray Boxes per pallet: 75 #Pallets per container: 20 Boxes per container: 1500
Soursop is a tropical fruit that has a distinctive shape. It is usually large and oval or heart-shaped, with a green, spiny shell. The surface of the shell may have a rough texture. When ripe, the peel may become a little softer and change to a greenish-yellow hue. Inside, the soursop has a creamy white pulp, with shiny black seeds scattered throughout the pulp.
It measures between 20 and 49 cm long and between 15 and 30 cm wide, reaching a weight of up to 6 kilograms.
It has a dark green, shiny and thin skin, with white, juicy, aromatic pulp and a sweet and acidic flavor.
References: Fruit trees Common name: soursop Scientific name: Annona muricata Vegan cycle: Perennial Weight: 5 kilograms Origin: America Altitude (masl): 0 – 1300 meters above sea level Climate: Warm Planting distance: 7 meters between floors, 7 meters between rows Planting density per Ha: 204 to 230 plants. Production per hectare: 2 .5 to 3 tons Soils: slightly acidic pH 5.5 to 6.5 Harvest cycle: 18 to 24 months Number of seeds per gr: 750 to 850
It is a fruit that grows in tight clusters. Its pulp is white or purple and its flavor is sweet.
It is consumed as fresh fruit or juice, although its main use is to obtain wine.
Preserves are also made with it, it contains various minerals and vitamins, and it is believed to have antioxidant and anti-cancer powers.
Common name: Vitis vinifera Scientific name: Vitaceae Variety: Red Globe Berry color: Dark red with slight shine with seed
Natural vanilla refers to vanilla obtained directly from the pods of the vanilla plant (Thai Vanilla). This type of vanilla does not contain artificial additives or synthetic flavors.
It is characterized by its pure and complex flavor and aroma, which develops during the maturation and curing process of vanilla beans. Natural vanilla is widely used in the food industry and in the preparation of desserts and bakery products. due to its distinctive aroma and its ability to enhance the flavor of other ingredients.
Product: vanilla pod Place of production: Guayaquil, Ecuador. Raw material: Sun-dried Tahitian vanilla pods. Variety: Tahitian vanilla. Appearance: Dark brown pods Aroma: Fruity aroma (ripe fruits) Packaging: High quality polypropylene packaging material with vacuum density. Presentations: Cases of 1 to 100 pods. Duration: 1kg bags br>Storage method: 2 years Presence of GMOs: Cool and dark place (Genetically Modified Organisms) Type of production: Under greenhouse Humidity: 25% – 30% Extract ethereal: 3% – 5% Recommendation for use: 1 per 1000 Agrocálida Registration: Yes Health Registration: N°: 26880-ALN-09 20
Pepino Dulce
El pepino dulce, también conocido como pepino melón, es una fruta de suave sabor que te recordará seguramente al melóno al pepino. Es una fruta que idealmente debe comerse con su cáscara, lo mejor es optar por el pepino dulce orgánico. De esta manera se asegura que el fruto no tendrá residuos químicos ni pesticidas. A continuación, mencionaremos algunos de los beneficios del pepino dulce:
Nombres comunes pepino dulce, pepino melón, melón de árbol
Nombre científico Solanum muricatum
Tipo de planta Arbusto
Región nativa América del Sur
Principales productores Chile, Nueva Zelanda, Perú, Estados Unidos de América, Colombia